Beef Erupts Between Sunil Gulati and Jurgen Klinsmann Over The Legacy Of KRS-One

NEW YORK - Beef, reportedly, erupted between the president of US Soccer and head coach of the United States Men's team over the legacy of New York rapper KRS-One on Wednesday.

"Not only is Wu-Tang not for the children, but no one should remember KRS-One"

"Not only is Wu-Tang not for the children, but no one should remember KRS-One"

According to reports, Gualti's opinion differed with Klinsmann on the legacy of KRS-One and the feeling of the place of rap in social movements.

"Not only is Wu-Tang not for the children, but no one should remember KRS-One" said Gulati while throwing Anne Murray cassettes at Klinsmann's face. "The rap game should stick to showing their love of whips and ice. It's about being a showman, about displaying your propensity for ladies and the ability to hook up. Rap is not a vehicle for social change."

One of these people posed nude in playgirl, another got a lifetime ban by FIFA, another is the US Soccer President, another is a billionaire businessman who created his own $150 million dollar super-pac, and the other is the president of Master…

One of these people posed nude in playgirl, another got a lifetime ban by FIFA, another is the US Soccer President, another is a billionaire businessman who created his own $150 million dollar super-pac, and the other is the president of MasterCard.

Jurgen Klinsmann was aghast at this opinion and reportedly yelled back at Gulati, "Life is free-form poetry at every level. KRS-One was one of the premier rappers calling for social justice even before his comments about 9-11. He also was one of the first, if not the very first, artist to win a rap battle where the target was the other MC on stage. He destroyed MC Shan and his assertion that Queensbridge was the monument of hip hop. I don't even know what to think about your bullshit anymore". 

Sources say that Klinsmann was drug down the hall yelling "Social change can be started by social awareness, you highbrow Columbia punk" before relapsing into repeated guttural German swearwords.

The Nutmeg News will have more on this as Klinsmann and Gulati discuss the legacy of Grandmaster Melle Mel.
