Research Shows 99% Of Major League Soccer Fans Have Already Forgotten That Playoffs Are Still Ongoing

The findings from a new research project by the Department of Homeland Security have indicated that 99% of Major League Soccer fans have already forgotten that the playoffs are still ongoing.

Time to head back to watching the Habs, boys.

Time to head back to watching the Habs, boys.

"Are the playoffs still happening?" said Philadelphia Union fan Thomas Franz. "I kinda forgot that everything was still running along. Honestly, if they take a two week break in the middle of the schedule don't expect me to tag along."

Orlando City fans have reportedly long since checked out of following the league with Orlando City fan Jacob Steinberg stating, "We've got better things to do, like stalking the whereabouts of Brek Shea and trying to figure out what we are going to get in the draft. Frankly, I'm surprised anyone is still paying attention to that shit."

The data released by the department of homeland security showed that while some fans are still paying attention to the playoffs, most of them are isolated in the respective cities of the four teams still left in the competition for MLS Cup.

"I've still had to check my calendar to figure out when the games are coming back on again," said Timbers fan Brandon Hodgkins. "I'm hoping the Timbers make it to the end of the season so I can go to MLS cup a month from now on whatever day that happens to be."

Permanent contrarian, David Hughes, had the following to say, "If MLS didn't take a break for the international dates you would all be complaining about them screwing up the competitive balance of the league. It's a lose lose scenario." However, even Mr Hughes admitted that he has a hard time remembering the schedule, "I know that it is Sunday but I don't know what time. Hopefully the Pats game isn't on at the same time because if that's the case, I'm not going to be watching anything to do with soccer."

The Nutmeg News will have more on this as the league announces a January MLS Cup with a six week break for 2016.
