Fan Leaves Internet For Five Minutes And Entire League Financial Structure Changes

Des Moines, IA - Linda Hartford stepped away from her computer for five minutes to grab some Kirkland tortilla chips and found out that the entire financial structure of Major League Soccer had changed by the time she got back.

"So when exactly are we going to find out that this happened three years ago and they just announced it now?"

"So when exactly are we going to find out that this happened three years ago and they just announced it now?"

"They are allowing more investment with the targeted allocation money?" said a perplexed Hartford as she frenetically refreshed Twitter, Reddit and her favorite soccer blogs. "I haven't even really begun to fully comprehend how much money all the teams have in the first place for TAM and now they change it again?!"

While Ms Hartford didn't fully understand the changes yet, she did state the following, "At least the league is being consistently inconsistent. Also, at least more teams are going to have money to spend. I can't wait for the Chicago Fire to bring back Nery Castillo. That's going to be great."

The Nutmeg News will have more on this as Ms Hartford goes to get coffee and finds out that no teams from the East conference are playing in the east anymore and that road goals now count towards actual financial numbers.
