That Stream You Use To Illegally Watch The Game Tonight Is Going To Cut Out

The nation's collection of people who stream games to the internet who are dedicated to ensuring that everyone who wants to watch the game but can't because they aren't in front a TV, they cut their cable or they just are streaming it while their friend watches re-runs of Bering Sea gold are comfortable making a guarantee that the stream you use to illegally watch the game tonight is going to cut out when one of the teams is running at goal.  

"It's part of our package" said game streamer Hugh Jazz (EDITORS NOTE: clearly a pseudonym given to escape prosecution). "We ensure that right about the time your team runs at goal we are going to disconnect our server and then reconnect again so that it stutters, disconnects and then reconnects after your team has shot the ball 20 feet over the net."

While this service doesn't impact millions of people, it none the less is part of the  ritual of streaming games of all kind through the internet.

"Look this is the deal we make." said Levi Strauss (EDITORS NOTE: again with the pseudonym's, guys?) "We give up our cable and have to deal with some 14 year old kid plugging and unplugging the stream. Honestly, if I didn't have this to complain about I don't know what I would do. What would we talk about on twitter DURING the game? The game? Fuck that."

While the stream is guaranteed to bog down during the game itself, the inverse is true during the halftime show. At that point your stream will be crystal clear and never drop displaying the talking heads and their inane commentary in full, clear HD.

"This is all part of the package" said Michael Hunt (EDITORS NOTE: Ok, that's clearly offensive, there's no way he gave that name..... Wait.... He did? Well change it then.) said Richard Little.  (EDITORS NOTE: Sigh) 


The Nutmeg News will have 









As your stream buffers before a shot and during the goal celebration.
