With Only A Handful Of Home Games Left, Fans Prepare For Life Without MLS Games

The prospect of the ending of the Major League Soccer (MLS) season has shocked and galvanized fans of teams league wide into the realization that they only have a few home games left. For teams without a playoff game, this means the end of the season is upcoming quickly.

"I suppose I'll have to see my husband on the weekends again," said Union fan Betheny Sterrill. "He's not a soccer fan and we use this time as a nice escape from our regular lives. However, I'm not sure what that is going to be like when we actually have to have a conversation on the weekend. Fortunately, he has the Eagles and I like to knit and obsess about Getafe during the Union's off season so we won't have to have any awkward conversations until the few months between the Superbowl and the start of the Philadelphia Union pre-season."

The glue factory beckons....... Or at least just hanging up the mask for another year.

The glue factory beckons....... Or at least just hanging up the mask for another year.

The Nutmeg News interviewed Derek Blick from the southwest side of Chicago about the ending of the Fire season.

"Thank fucking Christ. Wait... can I say that? Well, I don't care. I'm just happy that this horrible experiment is over, Yallop is fired and the end of the season is nigh. Oh sure, I'm going to miss seeing every one in the Harlem End, but honestly... we could all do with hanging out together in a way that doesn't turn into a raging alcoholic loss commiseration party and anti-Hauptman rally. This time away from the game will do all of us good, just to shake the poison out of our veins that the front office and boys on the field ladled into our bodies with vigor during 2015."

While Chicago fans are happy about the end of the season, Columbus Crew fans are looking forward to an exciting post season. 

"Two home games left, hanging out at second place in the east, our team really coming together... this is a great time." said Crew fan Dale Wisterman "I'm feeling optimistic because we aren't just trying to back into the playoffs but I honestly can feel that we can do some damage there. Kei has been amazing for us and Ethan and Pipa. After all the struggles of the previous years, this one has just been incredibly cathartic. My wife and my relationship has been better than ever, she is enjoying going to the games again, as we all are. I swear that even my kids are smiling more. Life is good."

The Nutmeg News also spoke with Colorado Rapids fan Anthony Edwards about the end of the season.

"Is it over yet? I want to be free. I want to stop caring. I just want it to end. Please, just let this end. I'm not going to the last game, I'm just not. I probably will, but I don't want to go. Honestly, the only reason I feel like going is that I already paid for my tickets so I might as well see how deep the rabbit hole of crap goes. But no, lets just end this season and move on to Pablo and the new offensive coach. It couldn't possibly be more offensive than this year because this year was offensive to anyone who loves the beautiful game. I just need a freaking break. Thanks, Rapids."

The Nutmeg News will have more on this situation as everyone realizes that they only have two or three home games left in the season.



