Genius Amateur Tactician Admits, "None Of My Tactical Ideas Worked In FIFA"

Orlando, FL - After an all night binge session of playing FIFA 2016, Orlando City blogger David Matthews admitted, "None of my tactical ideas worked at all". 

While Matthews has long opined on tactics for the United States Men's Team and Orlando City, he finally decided to try his long espoused tactical variations that would "Totally Fix Everything" in a computer simulation.

Of course, overlapping wingbacks using midfielders as centerbacks and centerbacks as forwards! It makes complete sense on easy!

Of course, overlapping wingbacks using midfielders as centerbacks and centerbacks as forwards! It makes complete sense on easy!

"I lost my first game 6-0 and had two players sent off," said a despondent and Cheetos encrusted Matthews. "The next game I lost 4-0, so I thought I was making progress. However, it didn't really seem to make a difference if I ran a 3-5-2 or a 3-4-3 or a 5-4-1, the result was the same. I would lose and lose and lose because of defensive errors on counter attacks or giving up long diagonal crosses that would expose my fullbacks."

While Matthews was flummoxed by the results he, reportedly, was unsure if perhaps he just wasn't any good at playing FIFA and decided to play three back to back seasons. When asked what the result of these seasons were he stated, "I was fired at the end of each one."

When asked what he did next Mr Matthews stated, "I turned the difficulty level down in the game and suddenly my ideas started working again."

While Mr Matthews may have had a temporary dip in confidence due to all of his tactical ideas being bullshit he states, "I've got my confidence back now. Playing at an easier difficulty level in the game makes it easier for me to play my unconventional style that would totally work in Major League Soccer or the Barclay's Premier League if given a chance."

The Nutmeg News will have more on this as Mr Matthews writes a 2000 word essay on tactics after he thrashes his 9 year old brother Bobby.
