Jason Kreis Confirms, "I'm Not Mad, I'm Just Disappointed"

NEW YORK - Head coach of New York City FC, Jason Kreis, has said that he isn't mad at his team.... he is just disappointed in an exclusive interview with The Nutmeg News on Tuesday.

That's IT, I'm turning this team around and we are going home. No one gets to go to Disney World this year. I'm serious about this.  DON'T PUSH ME, I'll turn this right around! God In Heaven, I'm going to drive this team off a cliff!

That's IT, I'm turning this team around and we are going home. No one gets to go to Disney World this year. I'm serious about this.  DON'T PUSH ME, I'll turn this right around! God In Heaven, I'm going to drive this team off a cliff!

"It's disappointing really. I asked Andrea and Frank to show up prepared for our road trip and our recent games and they weren't ready. They spent the whole time talking about playing Guess Who in the van ride to the airport and neither of them went to the potty when they needed to go. I mean the airport alone was a complete disaster. Mix was running all over the place with crayons in his mouth, Poku was standing in a corner very upset that the other kids wouldn't let him play. Honestly, It's a wonder that I haven't gone for a pack of cigarettes and not come back in the last few months. Look, It's like I told Frank when he came back from summer vacation and I could smell the celebration alcohol on his breath. I'm not mad, I'm just disappointed."

Kreis reportedly said that he wanted to spend more time with the management staff from Manchester City so that he could remember what it was like to be in a loving relationship without, "All these pesky little shits that can't dribble a ball and stop someone from scoring to save their lives."

The Nutmeg News found out that Kreis is dreading a planned summer vacation to Havasu with the team in 2016. 

"It's going to be awful. Someone is going to forget their cleats, another player is going to get lost on the golf course, Mix and Shay are already planning on trying to do cannonballs off the dock. Its impossible to get these guys in a line. I just want to find a way out of this dire, loveless marriage before I end up chain smoking Pall Malls and drinking my way into a job with Exeter City."

