TORONTO - Despite the general feeling among Toronto Football Club (TFC) fans, the next 24 hours are not actually an eternity clarified prominent Toronto Physicist Samuel McKenzie.
"I don't want to work... I just want to bang on the drum all day..... and not file this freaking paperwork.. is it Tuesday yet? WHY IS IT TAKING FOREVER FOR TUESDAY!"
"24 hours is actually just 1440 minutes or 86400 seconds. It is not an eternity, or an unknown quantity," stated McKenzie online as he promptly buzz-killed a jittery but ebullient thread of TFC supporters anticipating their home match-up against the Montreal Impact.
"Waiting through these 24 hours will take you just as long as the previous 24 hours you waited without noticing. Time is constant and progresses at the same rate, relative to your perspective."
While pissing on the interest of TFC fans like a well seasoned Neil deGrasse Tyson, McKenzie admitted that he too is feeling the anxiety as he stated, "I just can't wait to get there in among the lads for a right proper game with everything on the line. UP THE REDS. WILL WEDNESDAY EVER COME?!"
The Nutmeg News will have more on this as 90 minutes is also feeling like an eternity for both Montreal and Toronto fans.