USL Team Representative's Entire Wardrobe Consists Of Team Branded Clothing

Richmond, VA - Richmond Kickers team representative Wes Olsen came to the recent revelation that his entire wardrobe consists of team branded clothing as he departed the USL Operations  & Sales Summit in San Antonio, TX. 

"Does anyone at this table remember what it was like to NOT wear team branded clothing?"

"I realized that nearly every single piece of clothing that I brought with me was emblazoned with the Kickers logo," stated Olsen to The Nutmeg News on Tuesday. "Even the other other clothing I brought had team logos on it as well. I even have wind breaker pants with the Kickers logo on it."

Reportedly, Olsen can't remember the last time that he dressed in anything but a Kickers polo with a Kickers jacket and a pair of Adidas that he purchase through the connections with the Kickers.

"It's crazy. My entire closet is nothing but team emblazoned merchandise for the Kickers and the stuff that isn't Kickers clothes are the old company polo shirts that I had left over from my last job. I'm not even certain if I could go to a USL symposium without wearing my Kickers gear. It would stand out too much to just wear a suit!"

The Nutmeg News will have more on this as Olsen cobbles together a pair of Corduroy pants and a t-shirt from Aeropostale as his break day clothing.
