NEW YORK - Rube Journalist Henry Daniels stated that he really thought that FIFA, the international money laundering and bribery cartel, was actually going to change for the better in the coming months despite all evidence to the contrary.
The drive is diamonds.
"Look, with Blatter out and Platini out, I actually thought it could happen," stated a remorseful Daniels to The Nutmeg News on Wednesday. "I tried to believe that elections might change something and that there was a real chance of having an international organization that was there for the betterment of the game, but it looks like that isn't going to happen."
With FIFA continuing their shenanigans by reducing the banning sentence of Blatter and Platini, the rug has yet again been pulled out from underneath trusting people like Mr Daniels.
"Well.... dammit. I suppose we can all hope for someone better than Mr. Sexwale to run for president, but it doesn't look like things are ever going to change now."
The Nutmeg News will have more on this as Mr Daniels finally accepts that the international organization of football is an nonredeemable quagmire of disastrous proportions.