Hipster Still Following Soccer

Portland, OR - James Murphy, a self described "soccer hipster who feels aesthetically post-hipster", admitted that, for the 10th year, he is still following soccer  in a short ranging interview on Tuesday to The Nutmeg News.

"I don't have a problem with mascots anymore, either. That's a pre-hipster conception. As a hipster post-hipster I think that It's great for kids, and they seem to enjoy them."

"It's a great sport, I love it," stated the formerly dirty hipster who was looking for a hand pressed, vinyl, Final Warning ep in a record bin somewhere at a record store he wouldn't tell us about. "With the death of bike polo, and my friends all switching to endurance rides as their hobby, I decided to stick with the game as my hobby. After 10 years I can honestly state that I still enjoy going with my soccer friends, I like watching the game. I like the tactics and the players and the energy that a match brings," stated Mr Murphy, who admitted to recently giving up his vegan beliefs for a soy free, lechithin avoidance subsistence lifestyle.

Reportedly, Mr Murphy has even taken to a new ethos in dress as he stopped wearing pinned together crust-punk t-shirts and humorous sweaters found at Goodwill  for wearing items he considers lucky and appropriate for games (as long as those new clothes fit within his current wardrobe aesthetic of clean, bright and relevant for weather conditions). He, as well, claims to only bring a scarf during games that are cold and doesn't bring one during games that are warm.

"It's important to me as a hipster post-hipster to keep the aesthetic of a properly dressed individual for a soccer game. We must show up appropriately dressed in decent clothes to support our teams with both ruthless determination and atavistic intensity," stated the clean shaven Murphy who admitted to recently shaving his beard due to the influx of fans with beards.

"It's distinctly post-hipster to continue loving soccer for 10 years, but I'm really glad that I stuck with something this long. The rewards are great for staying with soccer, and I love the amount of history that I now have with the game. I'm almost as glad with staying with soccer as I was to get lasik to fix my eyes. No longer do I have to suffer wearing those heavy black rimmed glasses and when I'm sweating in the stands I don't miss any of the action."

The Nutmeg News will have more on this as Mr. Murphy debates a lease on a fuel efficient 2017 Acura.
