Garland, TX - The completely subjective and utterly meaningless mid-season player ranking list on the official Major League Soccer website is, "TOTAL CRAP," according to Davis Hill, a famed internet keyboard warrior of Garland, Texas.
"They didn't include Raul Fernandez? This list is crap! It's almost like someone who watches the league put together a list of what he thinks rather than the end-all, be-all list of important players that are ranked appropriately, correctly, legally and by verifiable metrics," ranted Mr. Garland in the comments section online. "What a bunch of crap. I refuse to take this subjective list curated by one person as the gospel. Please check out MY website for an accurate take on the situation."
Reportedly, Mr. Hill has often disagreed with the pundits on the official Major League Soccer website as he ferociously attacks them in Facebook posts that loudly decry their power ranking columns.
"There is no WAY that New England should be this high in the rankings! WHAT A BUNCH OF MORONS!" stated Mr. Hill's most recent post that emphatically delivered a shock wave throughout North American soccer.
The Nutmeg News will have more on as this as Mr. Hill's outraged diatribe continues to fill the comment section of ranking articles everywhere.