All Points Bulletin Put Out For Rayo OKC Turf

Yukon, OK - An All Points Bulletin (APB) was put out for pieces of turf that disappeared recently from the Rayo Oklahoma City facility in Yukon, Oklahoma last evening. A Clorophyll alert was sent out to all phones within a 2 mile radius of the Yukon High School and all "vaguely ethnic" people were rounded up as the usual suspects were called for questioning.


The turf was last seen, "on the ground," according to insiders with Rayo OKC and had been described as being recently depressed during the last home game. Reportedly, the turf was feeling some frustrations after a lack of growth and was considering moving to a new state to start a new life.

Rayo OKC were positive that the turf couldn't have gone far stating, "It doesn't have a drivers license so we are positive that it must have had help. As of now, we are grass-ping for straws."

The Nutmeg News will have more on this after we get over this horrible column.
