"Maybe Thoughts And Prayers Don't Work," States Rapids Fan

Denver, CO - Colorado Rapids fan Dave Kluzjek stated, "Maybe thoughts and prayers don't work," as the Rapids steamed ever closer towards the end of the season in last place.

Kluzjek indicated to our reporters that he spent most of the 2017 season and pre-season offering benedictions and thoughts towards the team in an attempt to have a successful 2017 season. After the 18th loss of the season, Kluzjek reportedly began to realize that his hopes and prayers for the season were unsuccessful and possibly don't work.

"I thought that if I really gave this season and some players some prayer that we would have a good 2017, but it just hasn't happened at all. I prayed for Tim Howard to be successful, for Pablo to make the right decisions, and for Kroenke Sports and Entertainment to acquire the right players. Unfortunately it appears that all of my prayers went unanswered. My friends in prayer told me that you can't pray for the things you want to happen because it isn't wish fulfillment, but they pray for world peace and universal love. Honestly, looking at the world today peace and love has less of a chance happening than the Rapids finishing in first place next season."

Kluzjek stated that he failed to pray before the Montreal game and the Rapids won that 2-1 so he is taking that as a sign that he should stop but insisted that he will keep praying for his sick cousin who needs a liver transplant stating, "Carl really needs help."

The Nutmeg News will have more on this as Kluzjek finds himself praying for the 2018 offseason to be successful just like he did in 2017 and 2016 and 2015 and 2014 and 2013 and 2012 and 2011 and 2010 and 2009 and 2008 and 2007 and 2006 and 2005 and 2004 and 2003 and 2002 and 2001 and 2000 and 1999 and 1998 and 1997 and 1996.
