Supporter Claims He Absolutely Can Quit The Cosmos Any Time He Wants

NEW YORK - Claiming, "I can absolutely quit the Cosmos any time I want," supporter Derrin Gutiérrez continued to lie to himself as he finished his 7th year of finding a way to always support the NASL side.

We just like this picture.

"I'm absolutely capable of immediately stopping any time I want," lied Gutiérrez to concerned friends who attempted to convince him to just support Club America. "It would be easy. I could just walk out and throw out all my merchandise, stop watching the team and never go see another game again," lied Gutiérrez who had no intention of doing of what he just stated.

"How could you let this happen," stated friend Dominic Wilson who attempted to convince Gutiérrez that it wasn't worth his time to support the NASL side. "If you go back to them again in 2018, I'm done. I just can't support you continuing with this team."

Despite the ultimatum, Gutiérrez continues to enjoy the Cosmos experience despite not knowing what is going to happen in 2018 as he claimed, "I have to spend time with the Cosmos in order to be social. I'm not addicted. It's my release. It's my church. It's where my family and friends are every weekend."

The Nutmeg News will have more on this as Gutierrez stashes a little Cosmos merchandise behind his nightstand, just so he can have a taste... just in case.... y'know... if he needs a reminder of Raul before he goes to sleep.

