8 Cathedrals Of World Soccer That Would Be Improved With Increased Usage Of "Who Let The Dogs Out"

Too many of our places of holy soccer worship are dead atmospheres with people singing and trying to get involved. Soccer teams should easily be able replace that caustic din with more timely and family friendly usage of, "Who Let The Dogs Out," and, "Jock Jams IV". 

As such, here is the list of 8 Cathedrals Of World Soccer that would be improved with increased usage of, "Who Let The Dogs Out."

#1 La Bombanera

Who needs T.I.F.O and confetti if you have Gary Glitter singing Rock And Roll Part 2.

#2 Old Trafford

The reason they let Rooney go was to use his contract money to purchase the rights to "Whoomp There It Is" by Tag Team.

#3 Allianz Arena

Enough with that continental affectation of 7 Nation Army. What you need are more songs from the back catalog of Trick Daddy blasted through your speakers so loud that no one can even carry a conversation even if they are standing next to you.

#4 Signal Iduna Park

They wouldn't need to work on T.I.F.O so much if they had a better pre-game DJ. Someone that can really mix the old school like Tiffany with the new school like Demi Lovato.

#5 Anfield

We like to imagine this cavern echoing with the throbbing passion of Sean Paul songs from 15 years ago.

#6 Santiago Bernabéu Stadium

You may think that Ronaldo and company are entertaining, but that's mostly because you haven't watched a pre-planned failed Kiss cam that tries to go viral so everyone will talk about Madridistas being funny because they had this guy get popcorn thrown on his head after he didn't get a kiss.

#7 Camp Nou

Camp Nou? More like Camp Old, if they don't get with the program and start turning up the music louder. We need more songs from Foreigner and Bread played at 4000000 decibels before they do a giveaway for 10% off a carwash.

#8 Estádio Municipal de Braga

They need to clear out all that Rock for some ROCK N ROLL and a jumbotron scoreboard. Maybe they could fill that silly space with some luxury suites where they could all laugh as a millionaire tries to do the chicken dance before they turn back to their cold, stale hotdog and wonder when their wife is going to leave them.
