Bad Behavior By Individual Casts Shadow Over Entirety Of Supporters Groups

Orlando, FL - The bad behavior by Atlanta United fan James Howard, at a bar in Epcot Center on Sunday, cast a shadow over the entirety of the supporters groups and the collected fanbase for Atlanta United as Howard and all Atlanta United fans were castigated for his drunken behavior online.




“Sir, we are going to have to ask you to leave”

“Atlanta United fans will need to have a word with themselves,” stated twitter loudmouth @SecondThoughtOnSoccer. “This kind of behavior is exactly the thing that Major League Soccer will need to stamp out if it wants to make it as a global league.”

Howard was reportedly on vacation in Disney World when he became drunk and disorderly after having one too many beers in the German Biergarten of Epcot Center.

“He was wearing a soccer shirt!! He kept singing soccer songs,” stated one anonymous patron. “I KNEW those soccer hooligans would eventually turn to violence or song. I do not sing out loud. That is not accepted in OUR culture.”

Internet sleuths, reprobates and people with zero personal life were able to discern, from a video tweeted out about the incident, that Mr. Howard attended at least one Atlanta United game in the past two months as they reached out to his work, personal life and the collected supporters groups to disown Mr. Howard’s churlish behavior.

“Is THIS the kind of image we want for Major League Soccer?” asked @OCSCLifeTime to the Footie Mob Twitter account.

“This is exactly how we know that American fans only care about drinking and not about the intricacies of the global game,” stated @ProRelForMyBedroom.

Mr. Howard claimed that he just had one or two beers too many and was asked to leave, but reportedly received a notice from Major League Soccer that in order to attend another game he will be required to attend mandatory substance abuse counseling and see a therapist for the next 2 months.

“We will see about re-instating him for the 2019 season,” stated MLS Director of cracking down, Ray Whitworth. “If it was my choice, we would ban him and all hooligans like him for life.”

The Nutmeg News will have more on this as members of Footie Mob, Resurgence, Faction, and Terminus Legion try to figure out if any of their members even know this guy.
