New League With Promotion And Relegation Starts In United States As Lonely Man Creates New Save On Football Manager

Des Moines, IA - Pundits the world round were startled as a new soccer league with promotion and relegation began in the United States as local man Joel Richenbach started a brand new save on Football Manager.

“This is going to BREAK THE MOLD,” stated Adrian Healey, a soccer guy.

“I didn’t think it was possible, but I now see that it is possible,” stated Rob Stone, a guy who sometimes talks about soccer.

“It’s still not as good as the United States back in 1994,” stated Alexi Lalas as he reminisced about the golden age of the game back when people said his name without adding the word sucks at the end.

“We wish him all the luck in the world and hope he succeeds,” stated Don Garber as he reached out to MLS legal to start a lawsuit against the nascent league.

Rumors indicate that many owners and operators of teams are looking to start a team in Richenbach’s new league including neighbor Jeff Anderson, good friend Sam Gutierrez, and human slime mold Anthony Precourt.

“This seems like a good fit for my club in Austin,” stated Precourt to the Nutmeg News as he robbed a child on the street. “We didn’t have any support in MLS anyway.”

The Nutmeg News will have more on this as Richenbach gets bored and deletes the save faster than the NISA folded.
