Soccer Fan Divesting His Fandom In Manchester United And Buying Heavy In Wolverhampton

Denver, CO - Financial analyst and soccer fan David Headway stated that he is, "Selling United and Buying Wolverhampton," as he attempted to get an edge on the 2019/2020 Premier League Season.

"It's important for me to buy low, become a fan before Wolverhampton are back in the premier league, and get some good value from my pick before selling all my gear on Ebay when it becomes clear they will become relegated," stated Headway to our reporter.

Headway reportedly spent the afternoon combing over the tables attempting to find good value for money as he finally realized that he needed to sell high on United during the FA Cup Final so he can get better value as a fan for Wolverhampton.

"This is all about return on my investment as a fan," stated Headway. "I need to ensure that I've got a good portfolio going. I'm invested in Bayern Munich because they are a strong performer. I went IN on Juventus late last year with a cheeky jersey purchase, and I'm hedging heavy on Valencia as a sell high option. I'm likely cashing in on them and moving my fandom to Real Madrid in 2019 as they will likely spend an asinine amount of cash between now and then giving me a very good return in terms of overall drama and insanity as a new Madridista for next season."

Headway's first love, however, remains English Football and the Denver native admits it is here where he has really made his speculation pay off.

"I'll always remember selling high on Fulham after the Europa league final in 2010 and buying heavy in Leicester. Half my closet was Leicester clothes for three years. But I had to divest from them as they won the title because there's no possibility of getting any more value from that pick. I then moved on to being a Manchester United fan with the Mourinho acquisition and it's been a rocky road. I still feel like I let emotion get the better of me and I'll be happy if I can make it out of following this team on a break even basis."

The Nutmeg News will have more on this as Headway considers a jersey purchase investment in Scunthorpe for 2019.
