This Brave Fan Is Thinking About Giving The Finger At A Soccer Game, This Weekend

Vancouver, BC - Brave Whitecaps fan Thor Siggurdson admitted that he is pondering the idea of giving the finger at a soccer game, this weekend, as the Caps take on the New England Revolution at BC Place.

"Maybe I should.............. but........ Maybe I also......... shouldn't?"

"I've been thinking about it for some time," stated Siggurdson to The Nutmeg News. "I think it's been a long time coming."

Reportedly, Siggurdson isn't entirely certain what his target will be for his unrepentant act of petulance as he stated, "I've drawn up a pros and cons list of the kind of people that I'm going to tell, non-verbally, to go fuck themselves. Suffice it to say that it isn't just limited to the away team."

Friends indicate that the frustrated Caps fan may even aim this bazooka of expression at his own team as he prepares to let loose a volcano of emotion in the stands.

"I'll be ready to go by game time, but I'm pretty certain that the time is right for this," rambled Siggurdson into his beer.

The Nutmeg News will have more as this brave man takes non-verbal dissent to a new level.
