Area Soccer Fans Disappointed By Home Run Darby

WASHINGTON - Area soccer fans that turned out for the Home Run Derby were reportedly disappointed in the D.C. spectacle.

"I've been a passionate, lifelong supporter of Dumbarton FC," said Silver Springs native Brad Chadderson, "But I thought I would give this darby a go. I must say that I've been quite gutted that I don't get to see the lads on the pitch,"

"I was all collywobbles to attend," stated soccer fan Sandra Evans of Baltimore, MD. "I thought the darby was gammy and I didn't expect the organizers to to make such a cock-up.  I was coming out to see Rooney!"

Not everyone was disappointed in the activities as Roger Dilbow of Bethesda, MD really found some enjoyment in the comparison of the Derby to a game familiar to all Americans.

"I watch the Ashes on Youtube pretty religiously, so I feel like I get the basic idea," stated Dilbow to The Nutmeg News. "The bowler delivers the ball to the batsman, who attempts to strike it, and if it crosses the boundary without touching the pitch, he is awarded a run. I'm chuffed to attend this local Darby!"

Our reporters spoke with Chad Bradderson of Alexandria, VA who attempted to pick one of the local eleven. "I'm not sure who to support," stated Mr Bradderson.  "The only club I know is Boston, because of the American version of Fever Pitch. Is there a Croatian player? I found out on that my great-great grandfather was born in Slavonia so that's close enough for me. This is truly eventful darby, even if the rules make no sense. It reminds me of PKs -- sorry, penalties."

The Nutmeg News will have more on this as we pour a pint of bitter, order in a curry and some chips; and sit down to watch the lads in the derby.


CORRECTION: This article was originally titled Home Run Derby, and it is (of course) Home Run Darby.
