Carefree Soccer Supporter Unaware That Team Is About To Completely Fall Apart

Carefree soccer supporter Tom Stewart is reportedly unaware that his beloved team is about to completely fall apart due to issues in the locker room, persistent injuries at crucial positions of which he is completely unaware and a crisis in overall team confidence.

"No one even wants to pass to me anymore."

"We are sitting in a good position right now for the stretch run," stated Stewart to The Nutmeg News. "We've had some tough games but this is the time where we turn it on and make a run to the championship."

Team sources indicate that, in fact, Mr. Stewarts favorite team is actually highly dysfunctional and completely rudderless as recent arguments in the locker room have poisoned the morale of the team leading to the recent struggles that he so graciously overlooked. 

"We are totally screwed," stated one anonymous player. "Half the defense doesn't trust the tactics anymore and they are tired of the forwards and midfielders not scoring. It's completely fractured, but we keep on acting online like everything isn't completely unraveling at the seams in order to keep the fans on our side. I mean, my insta stories are really driving some awesome fan engagement numbers for my own personal brand."

Our reporters spoke to one forward who was willing to speak anonymously who stated the following, "It's the fault of the defense. They can't keep a clean sheet even when we score 2 or 3 goals. We should be able to win if we even score one goal, but they can't keep screwing up back there."

Meanwhile, the hopelessly naive Mr Stewart reportedly purchased a new kit this week and is looking forward to the upcoming game which, unbeknownst to him, his own team thinks they are going to lose.

The Nutmeg News will have more on this as Stewart excuses the dispirited performances as an issue of fixture congestion. 

