Social Media Managers Desperately Checking Which Account They Are On Before Directing Hate Tweet At POTUS

INTERNET - Social media managers across the soccer landscape and beyond reportedly had a nervous check to ensure that they are on the right personal account or burner account before sending a hastily worded tweet at the President Of The United States.


“I HOPE THEY DRAG YOU FROM THE OFFICE SCREAMING,” stated Julian Williams as he made certain four different times that he was posting from his @pandalove account and not his @LansdownUnitedFC account.

“Start packing your bags, dickhead,” wrote Alyssa Montana as she made certain that she wasn’t logged into her @DellerPaints account.

Sources indicate that Jason Richardson of @JuneTownshipKids had a momentary panic attack as he sent a tweet from the main account stating, “GET FUCKED YOU FUCKING FUCK,” before deleting it and hoping nobody noticed.

However, most of the managers that we spoke with indicate that’s why they use different apps to run different content as they avoided with paranoid intensity the possibility of sending anything from the Brand accounts that they manage.

The Nutmeg News will have more on this as some accounts just say YOLO.
