Supporter Embarrassing Everyone On The Hashtag Again

Minneapolis, MN - Minnesota United fans logged on to find that supporter @DD2493 was embarrassing everyone on the hashtag again.


“I was looking for transfer news and there @DD2493 was, talking about Pro Rel and how the team hasn’t gotten any better since Opara was injured. He tags players too. Just why? Why? Seriously, why,” stated @LoonpahLoonpah, the social media manager of the Minnesota United Polka supporters group.

"He keeps posting individual tweets instead of a thread so it just fills up the timeline with his random rants. I'm afraid that other people looking at the hashtag will think we are all like this.” stated @LoonsOverMiami, an adjunct supporters group in Florida.

Meanwhile, supporters across the St. Paul area were completely aghast at @DD2493’s takes on comfort food as he routinely posts his casual hatred of cheese curds alongside his un-sourced information from the Minnesota United front office that he passes off as though he has connections.

“Nobody cares about your insider Minnesota news right now and what the FO is going to do this weekend, there’s a game on,” stated Minnesota United fan @BlooninOnion. “The team checks this thing, we really gotta talk to him about this.”

For his part, @DD249 stated, “People have their opinions and they are wrong,” before posting a mutli-tweet rant to the official hashtag about Kei Kamara being locker room poison and tagging every sports reporter in the area that covers the team as well as the player himself..

The Nutmeg News will have more on this as @LoonsOverMiami forgets to mute @DD2493 for the 432nd time.
