Google Searches For "How To Sell Kidney On The Black Market" Skyrocket In Miami Area

Miami, FL - Following the release of the new 2024 Inter Miami season ticket pricing, researchers state that searches on Google skyrocketed for “How To Sell Kidney On The Black Market” in the Miami area.

“We are seeing a direct correlation between the release of season ticket numbers and fans realizing the only way they can see the team next season is to part with one of their kidneys,” stated Stanley Williams of the Institute of Internet Research and Cat Memes.

“For me, I don’t really have a choice,” stated Miami fan Eduard St Pierre. “If I’m going to watch my team play next season it’s this option or selling a kid. And to be fair, I don’t have a kid to sell.”

For their part the team says that this is just a natural progression for recouping some of the costs that incur when you acquire the most famous soccer player in the world

“Honestly, they are lucky that they are only having to part with a kidney,” stated one anonymous team source. “Next season, the playoff games are going to be at ‘buying a new house in Michigan’ level.”

The Nutmeg News will have more on this as Inter Miami fan Isabella Reyes looks up the street value of selling eggs on craigslist.
