International Haters Council Forms To Root Against Inter Miami

INTERNET - Sources with the International Haters Council (IHC) announced that their formation and official by-laws were passed by majority acclaim that allows all members to root against Inter Miami up and until the team falls apart.

“HATE HATE HATE HATE,” stated members of the IHC as they ratified their code of conduct.

Council members indicate that the by-laws were written in place by Hater Supreme Dick Whittens who reportedly, “Just hates Inter Miami for all this shit.”

The by-laws are as follows

#1 Hate Inter Miami

#2 Hope they lose every game

#3 Be insufferable if they do

#4 Hate on them on social media and in real life as much as possible.

#5 Take Joy….. in your hate.

Sources at the recent IHC kick off convention state that a small sub-party tried to add in a law of, “always rooting against Luis Suarez,” that was shot down as being, “too specific and granular.”

“We are a big tent haters group,” stated one member. “We can’t afford to be divisive.”

The Nutmeg News will have more on this as the IHC comes together to celebrate any failures of Inter Miami.
