D.C. United Fan Upset That New Badge Design Wasn't A Disaster

WASHINGTON - D.C. United fan Sam Huzenga admitted on Thursday morning that he was upset that the new D.C. United badge design wasn't a disaster.

If you click this link, you won't go to DC United's website... it goes somewhere else. It WOULD however go to our sponsor, if we had a sponsor, but we don't. I mean, as soon as we can sell out, the better.  This content blurb brought to you by …

If you click this link, you won't go to DC United's website... it goes somewhere else. It WOULD however go to our sponsor, if we had a sponsor, but we don't. I mean, as soon as we can sell out, the better.  This content blurb brought to you by BRAWNDO! 

"I wanted it to be a dumpster fire of epic proportion purely for entertainment reasons," said Huzenga to friends. "Instead the front office and design team did a good enough job to avoid a firestorm. Now I'm out all the jokes I was going to make on twitter and all the drama I was going to stir up about them not understanding the club history."

Huzenga's friends say that they were similarly non-plussed about the logo release stating, "It is neither bad nor great." and "I like it, it's good, I have some corrections but all in all it's perfectly fine."

Mr Huzenga finished his comments by stating, "I love my club and I didn't want them to fail at anything but I needed to be entertained. Now that I don't have this to harp on for the next few months I only have the transfer rumors to keep me entertained til the pre-season games start."

The Nutmeg News will have more on this as Mr. Huzenga realizes he still has the ever developing (for 20 years) stadium debate to continue following.


