Man In Supporters Group Reminisces About Golden Time When He Didn't Know Everyone's Crap

Orlando, FL - Orlando City fan Edward (Eddie) Tomjacz admitted that he has taken to reminiscing about the golden time of his supporting Orlando City before he figured out everyone's problems.

"God, I wish I didn't know that Isaac was leaving his girlfriend because she wouldn't stop telling him to slow down on the booze at games."

"God, I wish I didn't know that Isaac was leaving his girlfriend because she wouldn't stop telling him to slow down on the booze at games."

Mr Tomjacz spoke to The Nutmeg News on Sunday evening about the issues, "I just wish that I could go back to early 2015 before I found out that Charlene gets drunk and tries to bait people to fight each other and Dwayne is addicted to pain killers because of a previous injury and is using them now to cope with his parents divorce. Back when I first started coming, it felt like we were just one huge unit of faceless people here to support Orlando City and I used to tell my friends about how great it was to find this amazing group of people who were so selfless. However, that was pure naivete on my part. I now know that I just hadn't gotten to know people. The more I started going to games, the more I started to get to know people, and the more I found out all the drama in the group."

The Nutmeg News spoke to Mr Tomjacz's girlfriend Marina Harrison about his recent issues and she had the following to say, "He used to talk about how amazing the support was at the games, and how much fun he had. Then he started to come back from the games complaining about a guy who has bad body odor that loves to hug him, or a guy who quietly says racial slurs behind peoples backs, or the girl who is sleeping with two different guys in the stadium at the same time. I just wish that he could go back to the time when he enjoyed going to the games for the games."

Mr. Tomjacz stated to The Nutmeg News that he is taking a small break from Supporters Group functions including skipping the Christmas Party so that he can go back into the 2016 season refreshed and hopefully forgetting all of the interpersonal drama that can make going to a match so tiresome.


