Timbers Fan Going Home To Walla Walla Expected To Carry Conversation About Seahawks

​Walla Walla, WA - Newly minted Timbers fan Zach Gardiner just realized that upon his return home for Christmas that he will be expected to carry the conversation about the Seattle Seahawks 2015 season.

 "Welcome Home, Zachy!"

 "Welcome Home, Zachy!"

"Oh god, I don't even know what their record is," thought Gardner as he walked up to his parents house that proudly displayed a 12th man flag.

Reportedly Gardiner's cousins are eager to talk to him about Russell Wilson and whether or not "he got to a game" since he lived so close for the past year as he attended Portland State University for his major in Germanic Literature and minor in Gender studies. Gardner reportedly spent the time between his knock on the door and his parents answering trying to memorize names of players on the Seahawks by utiliIng a wikipedia app on his phone. 

Mr Gardiner stated to The Nutmeg News, "Its going to be difficult but when we are all in the kitchen drinking beer and talking Seahawks I'm just going to be as vague as possible on the season. I'm sure that if I talk about close games and 'that guy who...um... I can't remember his name because I've had too much to drink but wasn't he great' that no one will know the difference."

The Nutmeg News will have more on this situation as Mr Gardiner shows his 15 year old cousin visiting from Spokane who likes Barcelona, videos of the Timbers crowd.

