Seattle, WA - The Seattle Sounders have announced a partnership with presidential candidate Bernie Sanders ahead of the politicians visit to Safeco Field, today.
"Who knew that donating to political candidates would be their Berning passion. Perhaps the Seattle Sanders should go to Fuel to talk about this." -- Ok, no more puns, Beatrice.
The Sounders stated that they have started their "Feel the BERN" sponsorship with a tie in to their goalpost flame cannons. Every time the Sounders score a goal and fire up the flame cannons, they will donate $10,000 to Mr. Sanders campaign.
"We acknowledge that we are a progressive club with a progressive identity," stated Seattle Sounders public relations officer Lauren Pettygrove. "We plan on donating a lot of money and watching a lot of goals go in as we move towards a new tomorrow."
Reportedly, the Sounders felt very comfortable with this new alliance due to the fact that both Mr Sanders and the Sounders are expected to do well, win a few battles, and attract a few million people over the next six months until they ultimately collapse in November after a futile campaign.