Des Moines, IA - After receiving an offer to work part-time at Hy-Vee Food Stores, NPSL player Luis Lopez can confirm that he now has better finances than the NPSL team for which he plays.
CATCH THE FIRE.... Wait......
Lopez, who plays for local NPSL side the "fighting" Des Moines Caucus, was reportedly giddy at the prospect of financial stability as he stated, "For the first time in a long time I have a net positive cash flow and future earnings potential, Thank god almighty that I'm won't be in debt anymore and I'm not looking to shift money around in order to make payments on my apartment."
Sources with the Caucus indicate that they reached out to Lopez to see if he could help them with a few bills in a partial sponsorship role now that he has some cash to inject into the team.
However, a reluctant Lopez turned the team down stating, "If I wanted to be broke, I'd own an NPSL team. You guys do the work, I do the playing, lets keep it that way."
The Nutmeg News will have more on this as a $5 bill dropped by Lopez in the locker room allows the Fighting Caucus to keep playing one more year.