"Nowhere In The Bible Does It Say I Can't Make Money Off The Decades Of Work Put In By Soccer Playing Lesbians That I Think Are Going To Hell," States @jaehinkle_15

Cary, NC - In a wide ranging interview allegedly conducted by The Nutmeg News, cafeteria Christian Jaelene HInkle stated, " Nowhere in the Bible does it say that I can't make money off the decades of work put in by soccer playing lesbians that I think are definitely going to hell."

Hinkle seen here on the 700 Club asking for her fans to purchase a new private jet for her so that she can serve witness like scam artist Creflo Dollar. 

According to our reporter, the North Carolina Courage player stated, "I checked the Bible. I looked in Leviticus and I looked in Acts. I even looked in Revelations. There's a lot in there about hating the Gays and Lesbians; and for some reason there's a lot in there about menstruation. However, there's nothing in there that says I can't profit off the works of these hellbound heathens. Without all the hard working Lesbians and other women that struggled for years to create a credible domestic league and vibrant international competition I wouldn't even have an opportunity to play soccer so I'm glad they did that before they are tortured for all eternity in the pits of hell for their chosen behavior."

With the controversy of not playing for the US Women's National Team still up for interpretation Hinkle explained her decision by stating, "Rainbows turn you gay. It's in Exodus somewhere, trust me. Especially if you wear rainbow numbers. Look, if you even glance at a rainbow number and watch Megan Rapinoe make a cross within 5 minutes you are buying a KD Lang compact disc and watching DIY videos on youtube."

Hinkle was adamant about her interpretation of her God stating, "God (and a team of surgeons BUT THAT DOESN'T COUNT, OK?! IT WAS GOD) healed my leg so I could play soccer and voice my opposition to Gay and Lesbian people. Who am I to judge that miracle? It's a miracle! It truly is! God healed my leg so I can bear witness to millions about my dislike of Lesbians! It's a MIRACLE!"

Hinkle finished her interview by stating, "It's not that I don't appreciate all the hard work by the multitude of women that came before me, It's just that I pity them and know they are getting to be tortured in the fires of hell. Meanwhile, I can make some money off them and boost my profile on the 700 club, which totally isn't a scam at all but please do give money now."

The Nutmeg News will have more on this as Hinkle announces that she will start a ministry that reaches out to underprivileged youth via a BRAND NEW PRIVATE JET!

