Who IS This Coach Landon Donovan? And How Long HAS He Been Involved With Soccer?!

As part of our investigative journalism series, we dispatched writer Rory Kilmartin to find out WHO this Landon Donovan is that is raising such a fuss in San Diego and why he won’t just turn a blind eye to racism and homophobia.

In a world of pretenders and amateur experts…… Where did this so-called coach Landon Donovan come from and how long HAS he been involved with soccer?

One of these men is Landon Donovan. No one could answer which of the two he actually is, though.

One of these men is Landon Donovan. No one could answer which of the two he actually is, though.

Online, unsourced reports indicate that this is Mr. Donovan’s first coaching assignment. Prior to this, there is no mention of his coaching credentials. Exactly what does this say about the United States when an unknown, unsung and totally anonymous player gets such a high profile position of a head coach of a team in the UNITED Soccer League.

Such positions are typically given to people who played before such as former college player Rick Schantz who had three solid years of playing under his belt and who then waited 15 years, as is required, before appointing himself to the position of head coach for FC Tucson after founding the team.

How will this country ever become a true soccer nation if the reigns of one of the most prestigious coaching positions in the general San Diego area are given to a virtual nobody with no real world soccer experience.

It boggles the mind and it dulls the senses. After showing his true hand with regards to rejecting racism and homophobia even at the expense of himself and his own ego, is this Landon Donovan even AMERICAN? These and other questions will be answered in our follow up piece.

“Landon Donovna: The Things We Learned On Wikipedia”
