HEARTWARMING: This Billionaire Told His Employees To Go Fuck Themselves During A Global Pandemic So He Can Chase His Adult Passion Of Vintage Coins!

As ghoulish stories come in of overworked medical professionals working arduous shifts in dangerous conditions around the world watching patients suffer with, sometimes, an incurable disease, The Nutmeg News trains its spotlight on heartwarming stories around the globe.

Meet Dell Loy Hansen. This billionaire decided to tell his employees to go fuck themselves by furloughing employees and slashing their pay during a global pandemic so he could chase his adult dream of collecting vintage coins.

“I realized that if I saved an additional half million by not paying staff that I could get closer to by dream of eclipsing Louis E. Eliasberg’s coin collection,” stated Hansen to The Nutmeg News. “I personally went out of my way to tell all the families that depend upon their paycheck for the teams that I own that their lives are really meaningless next to my desire to become the all-time greatest collector of vintage U.S. coins.”

Hansen reportedly slashed salaries for employees of all the soccer teams he owns in a bold move that shows that any of us can really chase our dreams if we don’t give a shit about the people we trample to get there. It’s the American dream.

“How could I live my life knowing that I passed up a great opportunity to acquire a 1933 Saint-Gaudens $20 gold coin if I just furloughed a few people who make $60,000 a year. What kind of example would I set for other billionaires if I thought about my employees at this time.”

The Nutmeg News will have more on this as Hansen acts like a great benefactor by offering a furlough option.
