Salt Lake City, UT - Billionaire Dell Loy Hansen demanded that Real Salt Lake fans deliver their monthly season ticket payments to one of his mansions in an email sent to everyone participating in the payment plan.
Look at this dickhead.
“We will charge interest at the rate of 18% per annum on any unpaid account and you will pay the collection costs and attorney fees incurred by Real Salt Lake in collecting any delinquent account,” stated the email to fans.
According to the leaked excerpts of the document, Hansen demanded that fans provide the payment in cash by hand or he would be forced to seize a valuable asset of the season ticket holder.
“As is illustrated in clause 2 paragraph 3, Real Salt Lake is allowed to take a valuable asset if you displease me. The asset will your firstborn child, your house, or your income for the next 10 years.”
The Nutmeg News will have more on this as Hansen claims Prima Nocta for all new Real Salt Lake marriages.