Lower Back Of Rec League Midfielder Announces General Strike After First Scrimmage In Over A Year

Dallas, TX - The lower back of midfielder Michael Esposito sent out a press release announcing a general strike and total muscle stoppage after the first scrimmage in over a year for the now ancient 35 year old player.


“The lower back will not STAND for this,” stated the press release to all the rest of Esposito’s muscles. “And we demand that the brain come to the table and bargain for some kind of deal moving forward so that we can all play on the same terms.”

According to the leg muscles of Mr Esposito, most cardiovascular and musculator systems were wholly unaware that they were going to be tested in such a way, so soon.

“We had no IDEA this was coming,” stated the hamstrings of Mr. Esposito. “We were just relaxing on the couch for the last year or so and then suddenly… BAM …. we are trying to do windsprints up and down the field. WHAT THE HELL, BRAIN.”

The brain for Mr. Esposito issued a terse statement to the press indicating, “We are extremely happy with the first game back and look forward to working out these issues with all the muscles, lungs and different systems of the body, but we will not be held hostage by the lower back. We will not negotiate with terrorists and we are sending an ice pack down there to sort things out.”

The Nutmeg News will have more on this as the hamstrings of Mr. Esposito rebel during the second game he plays as he wonders if perhaps he should’ve done some cross training prior to playing.
