Christian Pulisic and Matt Miazga Announce The Formation Of An International Branch Of The Oath Keepers

Chelsea player Christian Pulisic and Anderlecht player Matt Miazga announced, today, the formation of an international branch of the Oath Keepers, a far right paramilitary anti-government militia.

FIFA via Getty Images, MLS via USA TODAY Sports

FIFA via Getty Images, MLS via USA TODAY Sports

“While we aren’t former military, we ARE serving our country overseas,” stated Pulisic to The Nutmeg News.

Sources indicate that Pulisic and Miazga have grown increasingly strident in their right wing views as they surf Instagram looking for any gun and alt-right content to favorite.

“We believe that the government belongs to the people and by people we mean heavily armed white supremacists who want to overthrow the democratically elected President currently in office by killing police officers and attempting to kidnap Senators,” stated the alleged press release from the duo. “As such, we are more than happy to start a branch of the Oath Keepers in London and Anderlecht.”

Sources indicate that the International Oath Keepers have bigger goals than supposedly protecting the United States constitution as the soccer players heavily recruited from the English Defense League to fill out their requirement of angry white men who hate where their countries are headed.

“We will defend the Queen, the King, and the God-President in Exile,” stated the International Oath Keepers manifesto.

The Nutmeg News will have more on this as Christian Pulisic favorites another controversial Instagram post and fans run to defend him.
