Supporters' Group Celebrates Trailblazing Fan Who Brought Black Friend To Game For Juneteenth

Des Moines, IA - Supporters Group “The Justice Brigade” honored James Lipscott for bringing a black friend to their recent game on Juneteenth as they celebrated having a diverse supporters group.

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“James really went out on a limb for us and we want to show our appreciation by making him the Fan Of The Month,” stated SG director Frank Williams.

The day was not without tension, as things reportedly were “on edge” when James asked if any other Black fans were at the game, but things cooled down when an SG member pointed out they had a Black player.

Most supporters members forgot the friends name 4 minutes after he arrived, but they remarked that the black friend was very nice and well spoken as they categorically stated that he must have had a good time.

Sources indicated that after a few minutes most supporters went back to reminiscing about 2005, and James reportedly was told “you haven’t put in the work” when he asked what it takes to be a capo, but the SG marked a monumental moment in finally having a Black fan.

“It should be clear to all now that we are an accepting and open supporters group, We have increased our diversity by 10000% now, and it’s because of our welcoming atmosphere,” stated Williams.

The Nutmeg News will have more as the supporters group forgets this ever happened
