CHICAGO - Sources indicate that every song idea suggested by Joe Anderson, the parent of 7 year old daughter Emma and 10 year old son Davis, was sourced from Encanto as the quest by Anderson to rid himself or infect everyone with the songbook of the movie continues.
“We don’t talk about Calvo, no no no. We don’t talk about CAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALVO!”
“It all started with the ‘We Don’t Talk About Calvo’ remix, which really just sent things into overdrive after he went to San Jose,” stated Anderson. “In the end I’ve re-written a bunch of different options that I think will work.”
Styling himself as the Lin Manuel Miranda of the Chicago Fire, Anderson sent an email to our reporter stating, “ALL THAT IS HOLY, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, I CANT GET THESE FUCKING SONGS OUT OF MY BRAIN,” as he repeatedly asked everyone that he knew in the Fire fanbase if they felt that Waiting On A Miracle was an appropriate song for 2022.
According to sources with Section 8, they repeatedly told Anderson that his songs are too complicated.
However, Anderson stated that he felt that the fans in the stands were ready for a 12 verse reggaeton beat song that references the entire experience of the Fire fanbase over the past 10 years, as soon as he has a word with the drummers.
The Nutmeg News will have more on this as Anderson claims, “WE JUST GOTTA POISON OURSELVES TO IT AND THEN IT WILL DIE,” as he turns the soundtrack on in the car during a 4 hour road trip with his family.