Worst Guy You Know Drops Everything To Spend Weekend Defending MLS On Reddit

INTERNET - Alex Gustoffson, a self-proclaimed contrarian and free-thinker, apparently dropped everything he was doing including recording his men’s rights podcast in order to spend the weekend defending Major League Soccer (MLS) on Reddit as he stated, “Someone must STAND UP for these corporations.”

Posting in a thread about the abandonment of the US Open Cup by MLS, Gustoffson went after anyone who was upset by the decisions of Major League Soccer as he stated, “Of course Reddit is the kind of hivemind that can’t see how much better this is for the league. No one watches the US Open Cup. It sucks, now bring on the downvotes.”

Sources say that Gustoffson spent the last year popping into any post that is even semi critical of the league in order to back commissioner Don Garber and the ownership groups of Major League Soccer regardless of the reason as he stated, “We can’t let these corporations feel like we don’t have their back.”

The Nutmeg News will have more on this as Gustoffson opens up a second browser tab and logs into his Twitter Blue account in order to make certain to reach the “leftist hive-mind on X.”
