Atlanta United Fans Shocked As They Are Praised For Overwhelming The Vote

Atlanta, Georgia - Atlanta United fans were reportedly shocked at the widespread praise for them and the state of Georgia as MLS fans across the league reversed course and lauded them for overwhelming the vote.

Count every vote.

Count every vote.

“Oh, so the other times we won goal of the week ya’ll were mad,” stated Atlanta United fan Yancey Williams. “BUT ALL OF A SUDDEN its a presidential race and suddenly everyone is super happy about all of us hitting up the ballot box.”

Fans from Portland to Chicago to New England stated, “We knew that they had it in them. Thank goodness for all the times they voted in all the online polls as practice. Just give them goal of the week for the rest of 2020.”

Voters across George turned out in huge numbers as the Presidential race teetered back and forth between the two candidates. However, it appears that due to their expertise in stuffing the ballot box, that voters turned out to repudiate President Trump and his clownshoes, racist, carnival of capricious stupidity.

“I said it once and I said it again,” stated Atlanta United voter Barbara Hemmings. “I voted for Brooks Lennon and I voted for Joe Biden. If Brooks Lennon can win in this country, so can Joe.”

The Nutmeg News will have more on this as fans ready to blame Atlanta United fans for winning Goal Of The Week in 2021.
