A Rumor Account For The People

We here with The Nutmeg News know how tiring it is to sort through someone’s insane “Insider Information” as it makes its way into your timeline.

That’s why we tasked our best scientists to create a new rumor twitter account for you, the people.

Welcome to The Rumor Whale

We are taking back control of the rumor mongering and outright shitposting and giving it out to the internet for you and your friends to run.

Right now, you can go to https://tnn-twitter-bot.firebaseapp.com/ create rumors of every single variety for every single team in Major League Soccer, the Canadian Premier League, the National Women’s Soccer League, and (some) the United Soccer League.

You, the unwashed internet, are running this account. Yes. YES, YOU.

Yes, this is a really really really really really really really dumb idea.

Our scientists worked with a variety of shitposters to really narrow in on the dumbest and best options for you to pick from. Go find the best combinations and really create the rumor of your dreams. If you have any other suggestions for our folks in the lab to add, please notify us on twitter, in our DMs, or via mail@thenutmegnews.com

Go have fun with it!

The Nutmeg News.
