"They Don't Hate Me Over There Yet," States Excited Merritt Paulson As He Creates Threads Account

Portland, OR - An excited Merritt Paulson reportedly stated, “they don’t hate me over there yet,” as he created a new Instagram Threads account to, “interact with the common fans.”

Sources say that Paulson was positively giddy with the prospect for a fresh start as he claimed, “now I don’t have to deal with all the Twitter losers, loudmouths, and mouth breathers that don’t know what they are talking about.”

Those who are already on Threads, such as The Nutmeg News, reported that Paulson began by taking prolific bloggers to task over their recent assessment of the Timbers 2023 season being a heaving garbage fire by stating that they were, “sanctimonious doom monger know-it-alls,” and, “absolute idiots.”

“They are the reason beer prices are so high,” stated Paulson to his Threads account.

The Nutmeg News will have more on this as Paulson pauses, enables, pauses, enables and then pauses the @MerrittPaulson account before creating a new one to use to yell at fans anonymously.
