Area Man Plans To Release Incriminating Berhalter/Univision Footage As Soon As He Learns How To Deep Fake A Pregame Show

INTERNET - Conspiracy theorist, rumor monger and all around shithead Dallas @USMNTWarEagle Filbert stated that he would release the incriminating Berhalter/Univision television footage just as soon as he learns how to deep fake a pre-game show.

“I know what I heard and even though I can’t find any actual proof of it I’m not about to let that stop my adamant belief that this happened,” stated Filbert.

Random Twitter accounts also reported the what Filbert heard was true, although they couldn’t find any proof either as they lambasted the, "parasitic US Soccer Media who wants GGG to come to your house, take your guns and make your brothers sign a loyalty oath to Don Garber.”

“I know FOR A FACT, that I heard what I heard,” stated @RedWhiteAndBlueBalls, “And what I heard is that Dave heard that Ralph heard that Roger heard that Jeff heard that @TruthSeekerGGG heard that @28skidooratface heard that @laughingstockusmnt heard that @usmntwareagle heard that Greg is calling all the shots as head coach and this is some bullshit.”

People involved with the broadcast denied the point blank accusations but all that did was inflame tensions with the QMNT conspiracy theorists as they claimed it had to be part of the signs that foretell the,“Great awakening.”

The Nutmeg News will have more on this as some idiot somewhere online will demand a march on US Soccer Headquarters.
