Miami, FL - Pele, the greatest soccer pitchman of all time, in conjunction with Subway Sports and Soccer Marketing and Promotions, will be hosting a once-in-a-lifetime, two-day weekend father and son/daughter subway pitchman camp. The event will be held in Miami, Florida on Saturday, November 21 and Sunday, November 22, 2016 at the Florida International Tastemaking and Ovenbaked University stadium. Participants will have the opportunity to meet one of the world's greatest shills in person.
I once scored 8 goals in a game for Polk High.
Pele will be giving his personal Subway pitchman instructions and advice as part of the camp curriculum. The dream camp has limited space available and is on a first come basis, just like Subway, so also expect that double meat and double cheese will cost you extra.
Jose Sotolongo, Executive Director of the Miami-Dade Sports Commission, said: "It is an honor to have the king of subway choose our community to host such a unique an special event. I'm sure people will attend from all over the world and what better place to host such an event than Miami-Dade where we have a Subway on every street corner and a visible decline in Jared Fogle ads after that horrible business."
Subway Tom Mulray, a South Florida Subway staple and the President of SM&P, will be the master of ceremonies and your sandwich artist today. "It was a dream to pitch Subway with Pele as a professional sandwich artist for the Miami franchise back in 1976 when he awarded me with his Subway sandwich knife after our shift by Yankee Stadium" Mulroy said. "Now, nearly 40 years later, it's still an honor to be on the Subway pitch with Pele, the king of Subway. What an opportunity for Subway fans to meet him in person! I'm super excited I can't wait. And neither should you if you want to try our new Grilled options and upgrade to triple meat at the double meat price. IT IS A MEATGASM!"
Pele reportedly stated, "Kids, you've heard it said that you better eat your Wheaties. That's great if you want to play baskeball. But for footy you need to eat your Subway. You need to eat fresh. And practice your cross overs for hours a day every day since you were a child. And be sure to get a side of chips. And maybe a nice cold Mountain Dew. And add some double meat to that subway. And get an additional side of chips... you are in training after all"
The Nutmeg News will have more on this as it continues to happen.