Bored Sounders Fans Start Cheering For 4th Division Finnish Team During Seattle Game

Seattle, WA - Seattle fans bored with the LA Galaxy versus Seattle Sounders game on Sunday decided to start rooting for newly promoted fourth division Finnish team Tampere Unitedin Kannattajat, otherwise known as TamU-K. 

100% accurate translation is:  TamU-K number three -- Three Increased rear, the front Three

100% accurate translation is:  TamU-K number three -- Three Increased rear, the front Three

"There's only so long you can watch Lamar Neagle give up the ball before you just want something else" said David Gareer, Former Emerald City Supporters Member and current TamU-K fan. "I just gave it up, and stopped caring about the Sounders. It's all about TamU-K now. Did you know that the bluest skies are actually in Tampere? It's true."

Needs a Starbucks.

Needs a Starbucks.

While most Sounders fans admit that they would rather root for TamU-K than Seattle right now, some are not so happy with the split as they have started rooting for Football Club International Turku which has created a massive split between the two supporters groups that come out to Century Link Field to remotely cheer on their Finnish sides.

"Fuck TamU-K. What do they know about football?" said ECS member Bob Randall. "Those guys and their fans are assholes. Every year the students from Tampere come back to Turku to  jump on the market square and push the city back into the sea. It's all about FC Inter Turku now, and that's why I come out to Century Link field."

The TamU-K fans will have their say though screaming out what the banner boldly says (according to google translate which is never wrong), "THREE INCREASED REAR, THE FRONT THREE" while they sing a modified version of "Roll on Columbia".

"At least with TamU-K we don't have to watch Dempsey limp around and strain his hamstring every other game" said Paul Jeffers. "Real lads support TamU-K. Only punk fans who like the Timbers and Galaxy support FC Inter Turku. You'll Never TamU-Kacht alone. I'm still working on that."

The Nutmeg News will have more on this when Seattle Fans start rooting for Romanian side Asociația Club Sportiv Poli Timișoara.
