Montreal, QC - Didier Drogba has stated to the media on Wednesday, "I can do whatever I want in this league."
At least he didn't bite him....... yet.
Reportedly Drogba was given the ability to do literally anything he wants to do at any time in any game to any person so long as Montreal stays in the playoff race while doing it.
"Don Garber told me that there would be no crack down on anything I do on the playing field so long as I don't actually kill someone. So I am allowed to pull down goal keepers, mouth off to referees and score goals from nearly any position on the field," said the Ivory Coast international. "I've been told that I am allowed to punch players, tackle them, and even elbow them in the face as long as Montreal and I continue to stay in the public eye during the playoffs so I have every intention of doing so."
The Nutmeg News asked Don Garber about this free pass for Didier Drogba and he had the following to say, "Are you Didier Drogba? No - Is Drew Moor Didier Drogba? No - Is Wil Trapp Didier Drogba? No - So it stands to reason that since there is only one Didier Drogba and that he is allowed to do whatever he wants. He picks his own team to play for, he speaks his own language, he tackles whatever player he wants in whatever way he wants. He is above the law and we will not punish our star players. Look this is all part of the script anyway and we are only going to step in if Montreal start losing to the Crew in the second leg. At that point it is going to be red card city for Columbus!"
The Nutmeg News will have more on this as Drogba puts Steve Clark into a figure four leg hold and then holds him there while Montreal scores 5 goals.