The Nutmeg News Poll Of The Week Results - Week Of 3-9-15

The Nutmeg News Poll Of The Week results are in for the business week of March 9th, 2015.

In response to "Did Clint Dempsey Dive?" the message and mandate was clear.

With an overwhelming 64% of the vote, the majority of you said 

YES - I am a Timbers fan

This was followed up in second place by ENOUGH - I hate CASCADIA Circle Jerks and MAYBE - I'm a New England Fan With A Dempsey Revolutions Kit In My Closet And I'm Very Torn About This Whole Thing, which was accidentally split into two categories when intern Trevor Billings put "Revolutions" instead of "Revolution" in the survey answer title. Trevor has since been fired and is now playing a defensive midfielder position for the Revolutions.
