Thousands Sign Up For Twellman Snapchat In Hope Of Nudes

After hearing the announcement that Taylor Twellman created a Snapchat account, thousands of MLS fans signed up in hope that he would follow Snapchat rules and post nudes. 

"I wanted to see that body", said 38 year old glamour shots professional Christina Smedett. "Isn't this what Snapchat is for? I mean all my boyfriend uses it for is surreptitious dick pics and the occasional picture of him dominating at World Of Warcraft."

Given the generally accepted usage for Snapchat is poorly thought out nudes while you are drunk and alone in the restroom of a dive bar and your boyfriend Zane or girlfriend Cassandra (or both) won't call you back, most people were shocked when former Major League Soccer star and current ESPN personality Taylor Twellman signed up for the service.

"I mean he has MY vote" said 26 year old vegetable supervisor and line cook Jeremy Brigan. "If Twellman wants to post nudes he should. Snapchat is for semi-nudes, nudes, dick pics and the occasional shot of a really nice sunset. SOME people use it for breaking up with another person, but the less said about that the better, LARRY."

The Nutmeg News reached out to soccer star Carlos Bocanegra and he had this to say, "Wait for ESPN the magazine, Taylor. They do the stylish nude pics. Also, get a good makeup artist, if you know what I mean."
