NEW YORK - New York native Russel Stewart admitted on Friday that he really enjoys the experience with Red Bull 2 in the USL and has temporarily dropped his season tickets with Red Bull in order to concentrate on the USL experience.
TNN spoke with Mr Stewart on Friday about this unusual opinion, "This is my opportunity to get in on the ground floor of a team so that I can hold it over all the future fan's heads. I was late to the party with Red Bull as I started following them during their Supporters Shield season and the general consensus among my fellow fans was that I was too passionate for someone who has only been following the club for a year or two. So this way, I can be one of the people who longingly talks about supporting Red Bull 2 when the crowds were like 60 people and I could yell obscenities at the away keeper from all the way across the stadium."
"Hey Keep.... HEY KEEP..... I know you can hear me..... I'm just getting off the path train and I'll be in the stadium in 15 minutes."
Mr. Stewart also pointed out that attending USL games gave him a certain level of street credit among Red Bull supporters. He has even taken to attending games wearing a Metrostars scarf that he bought off Ebay. "This is really the best thing that could have happened. I'm thinking of switching from the Viking Army to the Empire Supporters Club and I already created my own line of protest t-shirts to wear to the Red Bull 2 games. I'm hoping that the sparse crowds and general lack of interest in the team continue for a few more years so that I can talk about results and games to which most fans aren't even paying attention. By the time I go to the next Red Bull game, I'll be considered a true fan. C'mon Red Bul.... er I mean Metrostars 2!"